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How to Make Red Palm Oil at Home

Red palm oil, locally called “ngo kɔkɔɔ” is a type of oil that is derived from the fruit of the African oil palm tree. It is a popular cooking ingredient in many parts of Africa, particularly in Ghana. The oil is rich in vitamins aNd nutrients, and has a distinctive red color and slightly nutty flavor. In this blog post, I will explain how to make red palm oil at home in Ghana

  • Fresh palm fruit bunches
  • A large pot or cauldron
  • A grinding machine or mortar and pestle
  • A sieve or strainer
  • A clean container for storing the oil
To make red palm oil, you will need a few ingredients and tools:

 Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start by collecting the palm fruit bunches from the oil Palm Tree. The fruit bunches should be ripe and ready for harvest

  2. Next , use a shaRp knife to cut the fruit bunches into smaller pieces and remove the outer skin. This will expose the palm fruit kernels , which are the source of the oil.

  3. Put the palm fruit kernels into a grinding machine or mortar and pestle, and grind them into a thick paste. This will release the oil from the kernels.

  4. Transfer the paste to a large pot or cauldron, and heat it over a medium-high flame. As the paste heats up, the oil will start to separate from the solid matter

  5. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot.

  6. After 15 – 20 minutes , the oil will stArt to rise to the surface of the mixture. Use a sieve or strainer to skim the oil off the surface and collect it in a clean container.

  7. Once all the oil has been collected, let it cool and solidify. The red palm oil is now ready to use in cooking or other apPlications


Making red palm oil at home in Ghana is a simple and rewarding process. The oil is rich in vitamins and nutrients, and adds a delicious flavor to many dishes. By following these steps , you can easily make your own red palm oil at home

Click to learn about commercial processing of palm oil

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